Geiringer Bill

Bill Geiringer

Senior Associate

Bill is a civil litigator with particular experience in civil fraud, asset recovery, contentious insolvency and commercial litigation matters.

Bill's wide range of experience in civil fraud and asset recovery matters, both domestic and international, includes obtaining and responding to worldwide freezing injunctions, search and seize orders and acting on high value, complex High Court litigation.

He specialises in civil fraud matters where there is a contentious insolvency element. He regularly represents and has secured successful judgments for insolvency practitioners, domestic and international banks, accountancy firms and government entities.

He is adept in managing large scale, multi-party, complex litigation with cross-border elements. His recent work includes one of the highest profile civil fraud matters described by the Court as "one of the most complex pieces of litigation in British history".

He is an active member of the Young Fraud Lawyers Association, The Fraud Advisory Panel and the Commercial Fraud Lawyers Association. He is a thought leader in the market, regularly publishing articles on the current state of civil fraud legislation and how it can be developed.

Bill's experience

    Out-Law / Insight by Bill Geiringer

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