McCarlie Ian

Ian McCarlie


Ian is an energy project specialist and has extensive experience of acting for developers, utilities, stakeholders, senior lenders and international investors in the renewables and clean energy sectors across the United Kingdom and Ireland advising on joint ventures, project acquisitions and development, fund raising and project construction, procurement and financing (onshore and offshore wind, solar, EfW, biomass, storage AD, wave and tidal technologies).

Ian's experience


    • 2007
      Joined Pinsent Masons
    • 2001
      DLA Piper, Senior Associate
    • 1999
      Qualified - Scotland
    • 1996
      CEPMLP, LLM Energy Law and Policy
    • 1994
      Dundee University – Dip LP
    • 1993
      Dundee University – LLB
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    Out-Law / Insight by Ian McCarlie

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