Read Colin

Colin Read


Colin leads the firm’s Regulatory, Insurance & Funds team; he advises corporates and a broad range of financial services businesses on insurance and reinsurance issues, remediation/compensation schemes, contentious regulatory challenges and structuring insurance arrangements in the infrastructure and energy sectors.

Colin's experience


    • 2009
      Senior Legal Counsel (Acting), major general insurer
    • 2007
      Joined Pinsent Masons
    • 2006
      Law Society – Solicitor Advocate (civil)
    • 2005
      Clifford Chance LLP, Senior Associate
    • 1998
      Qualified - England and Wales
    • 1995
      College of Law, York – Legal Practice Course
    • 1994
      Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge – BA (Hons) History & Law
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    Out-Law / Insight by Colin Read

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