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ED&I maturity assessment

How mature is your organisation when it comes to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion?

At Pinsent Masons Brook Graham we help you implement equality, diversity and inclusion strategies that work. We know that culture change is hard, and that buy-in at all levels is easier if there is a sense of direction and momentum. Our equality, diversity and inclusion assessment chatbot, IDA, can tell you where your organisation is on that journey and will help identify what you need to do next.

IDA offers a ten minute survey that creates an ED&I benchmark so you can measure future progress. It will show you where your organisation sits, visualised with our Maturity Model, giving you the confidence to continue your ED&I conversations.

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What is IDA?

An interactive Chatbot that will take you through our Brook Graham maturity model of diversity and inclusion

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How will IDA help me?

You will be able to self-assess your organisation’s maturity, and identify opportunities to accelerate your progress on this journey

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Who is behind IDA?

IDA has been developed collectively by our team of specialists in inclusion and our lawyers

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