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Investment fund and asset management reviews powered by data

Enabling you to manage legal risk and improve decision-making to stay ahead of the market.

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Investment fund reviews powered by data

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How will Datalis help me?

Datalis provides a unique insight on market terms and trends across all asset classes by collecting vast amounts of contractual data. Using this data will improve your investment process, inform future decision-making and facilitate negotiations of fund terms.

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What is the output?

Advising on close to 150 fund investments each year provides us with a wealth of data which Datalis uses to prepare consistent reporting to ensure key terms and risks are identified and addressed.

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How will Datalis manage my legal risk?

Datalis builds an image of the legal positions across your portfolio and compares it against broader market practice, allowing you to identify and mitigate potential legal risks.

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How will Datalis manage my internal legal processes?

Having built up an image of your positions, Datalis allows you to put in place parameters within which teams may operate and to set escalation triggers to free up risk and legal teams.


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Oliver Crowley


Oliver specialises in advising a broad range of institutional investors on their investments in private funds, often alongside connected institutional fund raisings.

Oliver Crowley
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