Pinsent Masons shortlisted in Business in the Community’s Responsible Business Awards 2015

21 Apr 2015 | 09:30 am | 1 min. read

International Law firm Pinsent Masons has been shortlisted in the 2015 Responsible Business Awards, run by Business in the Community.

The Responsible Business Awards is the most prestigious and respected awards championing responsible business in the UK and abroad. It celebrates inspirational companies that are taking action to address social and environmental issues and transform their communities.

Pinsent Masons’ school partnership programme has been shortlisted and selected as an awards finalist in the School Partnership category. The category recognises businesses that are building sustainable partnerships with schools in the UK, ensuring young people have the skills to build successful working lives.

Pinsent Masons’ school partnership programme entitled Inspiring Young Lives is part of the firm’s long-term commitment to improving academic achievement, raising aspirations and creating better chances in life for children living in some of the most socially deprived areas of the UK.

In addition Pinsent Masons has been reaccredited with three Big Ticks. Pinsent Masons was reaccredited for their ongoing work with Tomorrow's People in the Work Inclusion category, which recognises businesses that help disadvantaged people into employment and/or improve their employability skills. Pinsent Masons’ work with St Matthew's Primary School in Birmingham and Cockburn School in Leeds has also been reaccredited in the Education category. This category recognises businesses building sustainable partnerships with schools in the UK, in order to raise aspirations of young people to enable them to build successful working lives. 

Kate Fergusson, Senior Manager for Responsible Business at Pinsent Masons commented:

“Our school partnership programme was initiated twelve years ago and represents a long-term commitment to improving academic achievement, raising aspirations and creating better life chances for children living in some of the most socially deprived areas of the UK. Each of our relationships is purposefully different: we work with our partner schools to identify their specific needs and then develop a strategic and sustainable programme which uses our people's skills to make a positive difference.  Our initiatives include literacy, numeracy and careers mentoring and staff and governor training, all with the long-term objective of preparing pupils for the world of work.”

Stephen Howard, Chief Executive, Business in the Community said “We congratulate Pinsent Masons for playing its part in creating a fairer society and more sustainable future. The shortlisted businesses publically demonstrate that business has a greater purpose then simply generating profit and are a great example to others.”

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