Born and Raised in Singapore, Rahimah (Ima) is a key part of our Flexible Services offering within the APAC region. In fact, she has always been an instrumental contributor to this area of the businesses, having been brought onboard specifically to build the Singapore branch of Vario.

Ima has accumulated over a decade of experience in the legal sector, including working at another ALSP for 5 years prior to joining us. As a student, she studied Banking and Finance, where upon graduation, she diversified her experience by joining both the governmental and private sectors. In the governmental sector, she worked as an Immigration Officer for the ICA (Immigration and Checkpoints Authority) and gained invaluable exposure meeting people of various nationalities. Following this, Ima joined the corporate world, firstly in office administration and then through a career shift into the property sector.

Besides amassing a wealth of life experience within a short space of time, Ima's career journey helped her to develop a varied professional skillset. This enabled her to become highly adaptable to work in different sectors and perfectly suited to life at Vario. Her resiliency and adaptability stood her in good stead, enabling her to master the demands and jargon of the ALSP business and its working practices relatively quickly.

Rahimah (Ima) Salleh

Account Director, Singapore

Your work-life balance and mental heath are equally as important as the work itself. Embracing life as a legal consultant can help you find a legal career that works for you.

Across the board, Vario is heavily involved with major clients within the energy sector and this is certainly reflected within our Singapore client book. Ima has fond memories of working together with some of the biggest companies within this market, not just regionally within APAC, but also on a global scale. Under her tenure, Vario has placed a number of consultants with these clients on a recurring basis, something which has been made possible by the hard work of both her and the team in building the relationships with the key contacts at these companies.

Ima has been a key driver for growth within our Singapore team since joining and has become an invaluable member of our Accounts team. Her own career path epitomizes a good piece of advice for lawyers considering a career as a consultant: sometimes, change is good.

If you're interested in becoming a legal consultant with Vario, you can apply here. You can also read our last Vario Story to find out more about what it's like to work as a legal consultant.

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