
Alteria Reputation: Helping employers put a stop to online abuse

Join us on a virtual panel discussion, with guest speakers from Kick It Out and Student Minds, looking at the hugely prevalent issue of online abuse and how Alteria Reputation can be used to help combat this.

Employees at all levels can be the victim of online abuse. As an employer you can help protect your teams and their reputation, and put a stop to such harm.

Online harassment and hate is a problem across all sectors, from disgruntled investors abusing Financial Services executives through to those working with Energy companies being targeted. The rise in online harms is resulting in new legislation and action from platforms, but change is slow and there will be significant gaps where employees are exposed in an unsafe environment.

Searching for and taking down online abuse is an extensive process but can be simplified with technology.  Next month will see us launch a valuable new feature for our popular brand and reputation management tool, Alteria, which assists employers to proactively monitor all major social media sites, identify harmful comments, and request that they are removed.

To mark the launch we’re inviting you to a spirited discussion around the challenges of online abuse and how employers can manage abusive behaviour across the web, protecting their reputation as well as their people. 

Who should attend?

HR professionals, in-house counsel and legal team.

Event date

10:00 - 11:00 GMT

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