
A “human centred” approach to complaints & exploring alternatives to the grievance process

A practical workshop focusing on alternative means of resolving employee complaints, reaching a resolution and preserving working relationship


The disadvantage with a grievance process is that it can become adversarial, damage relationships further and not deliver a result that gives the complainant what they want. Many organisations are looking to alternative processes that allow disputes to be resolved constructively. Participants attending this workshop will be able to:

  • Explain the benefits of mediation for both the individual and the organisation when compared to a grievance process
  • Determine whether a case is/is not suitable for mediation
  • State the 6 stages of a mediation process
  • Facilitate discussion, borrowing principles from mediation, to achieve mutually acceptable solutions

To book on all 3 grievance modules please contact Hayley Dalton.

Event date

09:30 - 11-30 GMT
Virtual online training
£125 + Vat per person

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