
Madrid : new contracting models for infrastructure and energy projects in a changing world

As part of the GILROY 2021 series, the Madrid module will discuss new Contracting Models for Infrastructure and Energy projects. 

We live in a disruptive period. The new focus on hydrogen, the energy regulatory changes, or a new regulation re-escalation of construction materials prices are some of the issues that are impacting how contracting is approached. Traditional contracting models are not always fit to respond to these changes and make parties adopt an adversarial approach instead of join efforts and collaborate to achieve a common target. 

Sofía Parra Martínez, Construction Partner, and Pablo Dorronsoro, Energy Partner, will review these and other issues in a session that will include a debate with attendees on the various aspects of concern in this area.

Event date

09:00 - 10:30 CET

Event location

Pinsent Masons
Serrano 90, 2ª y 3ª planta
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