This session will provide in-house lawyers and HR specialists with an up-to-date overview of the key DIFC Employment Law topics. A deep-dive into key legal themes accompanied by case examples will help give a better understanding of the legal and commercial risks affecting DIFC-based businesses and how best to manage those.

The session will discuss what employers should expect when defending employment law claims in the DIFC Court including: procedure and rules; representation; strategy; preparing defences and beyond. Edward Kemp from Matrix Chambers in London will join as a special guest to provide valuable and real-time top tips for employers when faced with an employment law claim in the DIFC Court.

Who should attend?

HR leaders and professionals, in-house counsel and employment lawyers of companies located in the DIFC.


Event date

08:30 - 09:30 GMT

Pinsent Masons Video


Edward Kemp

Barrister at Matrix Chambers

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