
As the Gulf tax regime continues to rapidly change and expand, we are conscious that in-house Tax & Finance Leads in the region are under significant pressure to analyse new legislation, assess the business' obligations and be compliant on a timely basis. In addition, we appreciate the extra pressure of needing to mitigate costs and improve cash flow, in response to the covid19 crisis.

The pace of transformation of the Gulf tax landscape makes it even more important for in-house Tax & Finance leads to ensure to find some time, away from the daily demands, to reflect on the direction in which the Gulf tax regime is moving, the impact it will have for the region and therefore, what it means for your business. 


Event date

09:00 - 10:00 GMT

Pinsent Masons Video


Judith Freedman CBE

Pinsent Masons Professor of Tax Law and Policy at Oxford Law Faculty

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