How the new trading relationship between Ireland, the European Union and the UK is likely to affect businesses now and in the future.

The rules governing the trading relationship between Ireland and UK have changed radically since the beginning of the year. Whilst the Trade and Cooperation Agreement provides for some measure of continued free trade between the two jurisdictions, with the exception of trading in goods with Northern Ireland, the new arrangements are a far cry from the frictionless trade within the EU single market.

For an overview of the new trading relationship, we would be delighted if you could attend this seminar.


Our experts will be discussing the following topics:

  • Overview of the EU-UK Trade & Cooperation Agreement (TCA)
  • The Northern Ireland dimension
  • Supply chain issues
  • State aid and the new UK subsidy control regime
  •  Trade defence measures
  • Future regulatory divergence
  •  Cross-border provision of services
  • Life sciences
  • International data transfer

Event date

12:00 - 13:00

Pinsent Masons Video
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