Appeal Cases
[2007] 2 A.C. 262
All England Law Reports
[2007] 3 All. E.R. 757
All England Law Reports (European Cases)
[2007] All. E.R. (EC) 953
Australian Law Journal
(1989) A.L.J 640
British Company Law Cases
[2007] B.C.C. 671
Butterworth's Company Law Cases
[2007] 1 B.C.L.C 739
Butterworth's Human Rights Cases
20 B.H.R.C 157
Business Law Reports
[2007] BUS. L.R. 1032
Chancery Division
[2007] EWHC 2406 (Ch)
Common Market Law Reports
[2007] 2 C.M.L.R. 39
Construction Law Reports
112 Con. L.R. 23
Civil Procedure Law Reports
[2007] C.P. Rep. 40
Criminal Appeal Reports
[2007] 2 Cr. App. R. 7
Criminal Law Review
[2007] Crim. L.R. 579
Dominion Law Reports
(1993) 103 D.L.R.
European Commercial Cases
[2007] E.C.C 24
European Court Reports
[2006] E.C.R. I-11383
Estates Gazette
[2007] E.G. 91
European Human Rights Reports
(2007) 45 E.H.R.R. SE12
European Intellectual Property Review
[2006] 2, 71-73
Entertainment & Media Law Reports
[2007] E.M.L.R. 16
Environment Law Reports
[2007] Env. L.R. D10
England and Wales Court of Appeal
[2007] EWCA Civ 456
England and Wales High Court
[2007] EWHC 1789
Fraser (reprinted in Session Cases (S.C.) for the required year)
(1906) 8.F (J) 93
Fleet Street Reports
[2007] F.S.R. 39
Green’s Weekly Digest
2005 G.W.D. 17-306
Human Rights Law Reports
[2006] H.R.L.R 15
Industrial Case Reports
[2007] I.C.R. 779
Industrial Relations Law Reports
[2007] I.R.L.R. 720
Journal of Business Law
J.B.L. [2003] 160-180
Justiciary Cases
[2007] J.C. 83
King’s Bench
[1952] 1 K.B. 249
Lloyd’s Law Reports
(2006) 2 Lloyd's Rep. 591
Law Reports of the Commonwealth
[2002] 4 L.R.C. 238
Macpherson (reprinted in Scots Revised Reports (Sc.R.R.) for the required year)
(1872) 10 M. (H.L.) 39
New Law Journal
(2007) 157 N.L.J.
Official Journal of the European Patent Office
[1990] O.J.E.P.O 93
Pinsent Masons Computer Law Reports. Formerly called Masons Computer Law Reports (prior to the merger of Masons and Pinsents in 2004). Find out more about Pinsent Masons Computer Law Reports.
Patent Law Review
[2005] 4 P.L.R. 101
Queen’s Bench
[2007] EWHC 2513 (QB)
Queen's Bench Division (1875 – 90)
(1890) L.R. 25 Q.B.D. 491
Reports of Patent, Design and Trade Mark Cases
[2007] R.P.C. 33
Session Cases (Privy Council)
2006 S.C. (PC)
Scottish Criminal Case Reports
2007 S.C.C.R. 335
Scottish Civil Law Reports
2005 S.C.L.R. 417
Scots Law Reports
(1923) 60 S.L.R.
Scots Law Times
2006 S.L.T. 499
United Kingdom House of Lords
[2007] UKHL 22