Only 3% of US web users study privacy policies carefully and 64% of users either ignore them completely or only glance at them, according to a new consumer survey released this week by Harris Interactive.
The survey was sponsored by the Privacy Leadership Initiative (PLI), a coalition of US businesses and affiliated organisations aimed at empowering consumers to control how their personal information is used and shared off-line and on-line.
Among other findings:
77% of respondents favoured a short, concise privacy policy;
70% of respondents agreed that companies "should use the same summary or checklist for their privacy policies";
More than half of respondents identified six separate categories of information that they said were "very important" or "important" elements to be considered for a privacy policy;
Only 12 percent reported reviewing financial notices carefully; and
The top reasons cited for not reading privacy policies more carefully were a lack of time/interest and a high level of difficulty understanding the notices.
A new ruling shows how construction contractors facing claims for defective building works in England or Wales might seek a ‘building liability order’ (BLO) against other defendants to reduce their financial exposure, an expert in building safety and construction dispute resolution has said.
Draft legislation introduced before the UK parliament on Tuesday should, if passed, make it easier to enforce third-party litigation funding agreements that link the fees litigation funders receive to the damages parties are awarded by courts, according to experts in litigation and legal costs.
A recent update from the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) indicates that it is likely to pursue greater transparency even outside any enforcement investigation, posing some challenges for firms, an expert has said.
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