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“Desperate” lawsuits filed against internet advertiser

The leading internet advertising company, DoubleClick, has been counter-sued by two separate companies over its DART patent, a technology that allows web sites to display ads automatically targeted to individual viewers according to their tastes and internet browsing habits.

L90 Inc. is alleging unfair business practices, accusing DoubleClick of “fraudulent procurement and unlawful assertion of the patent” and is seeking damages “well into nine figures.”

In a separate action, DoubleClick is suing Sabela Media, a subsidiary of 24/7 Media, for alleged infringement of DoubleClick’s DART patent. Sabela Media has now filed a lawsuit alleging that DoubleClick “procured the patent by withholding information from the US Patent Office,” said Mark Moran, a lawyer representing 24/7. “Then, knowing it was invalid, they asserted it against Sabela."

Sabela is seeking a court order to prohibit DoubleClick engaging in further anti-competitive conduct and is seeking monetary damages.

DoubleClick has described both lawsuits as “desperate, baseless, and clearly retaliatory.”

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