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Samsung will pay Apple $548 million as part of a long-running patent dispute between the companies, according to US court documents.

The South Korean smartphone manufacturer agreed to transfer the funds to Apple by 14 December if it received an invoice from Apple by 4 December.

According to a joint case management statement (7-page / 40KB PDF) published by a district court in California, Samsung said it has "an involuntary obligation to pay" after losing the latest stage in the companies' legal battle last month. That judgment concerned payment of damages owed for infringement of patents owned by Apple.

However, Samsung said it could pursue Apple for repayment of the money if that judgment is "reversed, modified, vacated or set aside on appeal or otherwise". This, it said, includes if the patents Apple has relied on are deemed to be invalid. Apple "disputes Samsung's asserted rights to reimbursement", according to the court statement.

In 2012 Apple won a ruling which entitled it to more than $1 billion in damages from Samsung for patent infringement. That figure has subsequently been reduced on appeal, including in a ruling in May this year when the US Court of Appeal reversed the part of the earlier decision that related to damages for "trade dress" infringement.

Samsung has challenged the validity of the patents upon which Apple has relied in the case. One of the patents has been deemed invalid by the US Patent and Trademark Office, although Apple has appealed against that decision.

In a separate ongoing patent dispute, Samsung is challenging a May 2014 ruling by a jury in California that said that technology Samsung had deployed in some versions of its Galaxy, Admire and Stratosphere devices infringed patent rights belonging to Apple. The California court ordered Samsung to pay Apple almost $120 million.

Last year Apple and Samsung agreed to halt all existing patent lawsuits outside of the US.

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