According to a recent survey, business-to-business (B2B) exchanges are disappointing more than half of the companies using them, but many companies still hope they will benefit their business and reduce costs.
According to a recent survey, business-to-business (B2B) exchanges are disappointing more than half of the companies using them, but many companies still hope they will benefit their business. The survey, conducted by Giga Information Group and Booz Allen Hamilton, found that most companies are still waiting for the benefits of B2B exchanges to materialise.

Hope still lingers, however, among some companies that see potential for exchanges to make inter-business transactions and collaboration cheaper, easier and more effective. The survey shows companies expect to conduct the bulk of direct and indirect materials spending through exchanges within three years.

Businesses hope the exchanges will eventually reduce the cost of goods and the cost of the buying and selling processes. However, the study also found that companies acknowledge that their organisations must change to truly benefit from exchanges. Giga Vice President Andrew Bartles noted, “companies now realise that exchanges are not panaceas…but they still think the gains are worth the pain.”

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