Out-Law / Your Daily Need-To-Know

The E-commerce Minister Douglas Alexander yesterday asked the telecoms industry to drive down the price of broadband internet access in the UK and called upon BT to set fair prices to attract the mass market in both its retail and wholesale offerings.

Speaking at a meeting of the Broadband Stakeholder Group, an open industry forum, Alexander said:

“We need the industry to be driving prices down, and driving demand up. BT has a particular responsibility here. I welcome the commitment BT has already made to broadband. 60% of all households, some 13 million homes, are now connected to a BT ADSL enabled exchange - that represents a huge investment by BT in broadband Britain. But BT must now exploit that investment more aggressively.

"The challenge for BT is to follow the example of the cable companies in setting fair prices aimed at bringing broadband to the mass market. Not just in their retail offerings, but in wholesale too - so that the 180 resellers of BT's ADSL services can help drive the market."

Broadband technology provides fast internet access and “always-on” connection to the internet. With traditional “narrowband” technology, an estimated one-third of user time on-line is spent waiting. Broadband will also enhance internet services with facilities such as video conferencing, video on-demand, interactive TV and on-line gaming.

The summary of the work of the Broadband Stakeholder's Group.

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