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E-commerce Minister pledges support to the games industry

The UK E-Commerce Minister Douglas Alexander yesterday unveiled Government plans to conduct a major new competitiveness analysis of the UK computer games industry. He also pledged support for a games industry mission to Japan.

Mr Alexander was speaking during a visit to the
International Centre for Computer Games and Virtual Entertainment (IC CAVE) at Abertay University in Dundee.

He stated:

"The UK games industry is a global leader in the computer games market. Our developers are renowned for their creativity, innovation and originality.

"Games developed here typically can be found at the top of the global best sellers' list. We also boast a world class publishing sector, with a plethora of global publishers choosing the UK for their European headquarters. There are some 20,000 people employed in development, publishing and distribution in this country.

"Our new competitiveness study will provide valuable independent data and a definitive analysis of the industry's strengths as well as opportunities for growth."

Following consultation with the industry over content of the analysis, consultants will be appointed to conduct the study.

Mr Alexander continued:

"If the industry is to enjoy long-term success, we must make an effort to develop best practice across industry and identify opportunities for new markets. Equally as vital is to minimise threats to our future success. That's where this study will come in.

"It will include an action plan for industry and Government to take forward to help ensure the competitiveness of this important sector."

Building on the Government's commitment to the computer games sector, the Minister also pledged support for an industry mission to Japan.

The mission will take place in November and be led by Dr Jim Terkeurst, a lecturer in computer arts and research at the IC CAVE in Dundee. It will be supported through the DTI's International Technology Service. The mission aims to investigate best practice in games development and represent the UK developers in the important Japanese market.

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