A recent study released by the European Commission outlines the development of broadband internet access platforms in the EU. The study examined the types of technology that will be used to facilitate broadband access throughout the EU.

The research also predicted that, geographically, there will be considerable differences in broadband take up.

The Commission predicted that assymetric digital subscriber line (ADSL), technology that transmits digital information at a high bandwidth over existing phone lines, will be the primary technology in providing open internet connection. The research predicted that ADSL usage will peak in 2005 but be overtaken by fibre optic solutions within 10 years.

Erkki Liikanen, Commissioner for Enterprise and Information Society believes that a forward looking strategy is essential if Europe’s citizens are to benefit from broadband:

“The study clearly tells us that the future of the internet is broadband… it will be one of our top priorities in 2002.”

The report forecasts that, by 2010, almost 90% of Europe’s home internet users will be using broadband.

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