Out-Law / Your Daily Need-To-Know

A hoax e-mail sent by a trainee lawyer that matter-of-factly announced the murder of a secretary in his firm has been widely circulated, landing the sender and those in his firm who forwarded it in disciplinary trouble.

The trainee at the Hong Kong office of London-based law firm Herbert Smith sent the following message internally:

"Please note that our night secretary, Natalie Francisco (24th Floor), has been murdered. The replacements are as follows:

Friday 16th March [Ms W], her station is 2436-2 ext. 3129
Monday 19th March [Ms C], her station is 2439-1, ext. 3172."

The e-mail, which concluded with the name of a personnel manager, came as a shock, particularly to Ms Francisco. Some other members of staff, believing the message to be true, were said to be horrified by the personnel department’s apparently uncaring attitude.

The firm has said that some of those responsible for sending and forwarding the e-mail will be given “an extremely serious talking to” although not everyone internally will be disciplined.

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