Out-Law News

Internet matchmaker liable for violent husband

A Baltimore jury has told Encounters International to pay damages of $434,000 after it was sued by a Ukranian woman who used the firm's on-line matchmaking service to meet her US husband whom she accused of beating her.

Nataliya Fox accused the agency of fraud and negligence, after James Fox, the man introduced to her by the firm, and whom she married in November 1998, attacked her, forcing her to seek help at a refuge for battered women, reports the Associated Press.

"The woman of your dreams just may have a Russian accent," suggests the tag line of Encounters International, which apparently offers a money-back guarantee to American members who do not find a wife within 12 months of joining.

The lawsuit, thought to be the first of its kind, alleged that when Nataliya spoke to the owner of the agency, Natasha Spivack, about her husband's violent behaviour, she was told that she would be deported if she walked away from her marriage. In fact, battered wives or husbands are given some protection under US immigration rules.

In court, Spivack argued that her role had merely been to introduce the couple and she was not responsible for what happened afterwards. But the jury did not agree.

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