The Internet Watch Foundation (“IWF”) has recommended that UK ISPs review their policies on newsgroups in an effort to eliminate illegal content hosted by their services. The announcement was made following an IWF board meeting on Wednesday, in which members agreed that ISPs should take action to shut down web sites that are known to regularly display images of child pornography.

The IWF is an independent organisation charged with addressing issues relating to illegal content on the internet. Its board includes representatives from industry, education, consumer and media organisations. Although the IWF does not have legal powers to enforce its recommendation, it does generally receive support from the Internet Service Providers Association.

Civil liberties groups have criticised the move by the IWF on the grounds that it jeopardises the self-regulatory regime under which ISPs operate. At present, ISPs are only held liable for illegal content appearing on web pages hosted by them if they have been informed of their existence and advised to remove them. The civil liberties representatives fear that if force is given to the IWF’s recommendation, then it may threaten the freedom of ISPs to host material.

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