Charges against Onel de Guzman, the Philippine student suspected of writing and releasing the Love Bug computer virus, have been dropped.

The Love Bug virus affected countless computer systems around the world when it was unleashed in May this year and caused damage which has been estimated in billions of dollars. In June, Philippine prosecutors said they had hoped to charge the 24 year old under the country’s Access Device Regulation Act which covers illegal use of passwords. At the time of his arrest, de Guzman admitted that he may have accidentally released the virus, but he refused to comment on the allegation that he was the author.

The Department of Justice yesterday announced that charges filed against de Guzman either did not apply to computer hacking, or there was insufficient evidence to support them.

The country has since introduced anti-hacking laws, but these cannot be applied retrospectively. It now appears that no criminal prosecutions will take place in connection with the virus.

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