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A politician in the US is protesting at frivolous law suits in the US courts by launching one himself in which he is suing God. The suit seeks an injunction against God to stop him and his followers making terrorist threats.

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The suit says that God "has made and continues to make terroristic threats of grave harm to innumerable persons". It said that the threats were credible, given God's history.

It said that God and his followers caused "widespread death, destruction and terrorization of millions upon millions of the Earth's inhabitants", as well as "fearsome floods, egregious earthquakes, horrendous hurricanes, terrifying tornadoes, pestilential plagues, ferocious famines, devastating droughts, genocidal wars, birth defects, and the like".

Chambers's suit was filed in protest at frivolous suits in general, and one in particular. During a trial for sexual assault on Tory Bowen the judge barred the use of certain words, including 'rape' and 'victim'.

Bowen sued the judge in the case, but a court has already said that it doubts whether that case has "any legal basis whatsoever".

Chambers said that he was so outraged at Bowen's frivolous law suit that he filed his own in protest. "This lawsuit having been filed and being of such questionable merit creates a circumstance where my lawsuit is appropriately filed," said Chambers, according to news agency Associated Press. "People might call it frivolous but if they read it they'll see there are very serious issues I have raised."

On the question of the court's jurisdiction, Chambers said in his suit that the Nebraska court was appropriate, since God is always present. He also said that there would be no need to contact the defendant since he is also omniscient.

Chambers asked the court for a summary judgment or for an injunction against God from engaging in the acts detailed in the suit.

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