Back bench member of parliament Douglas Alexander has been announced as the new e-Minister, replacing Patricia Hewitt who has become Trade and Industry Secretary. Mr Alexander, a Glasgow lawyer who is the MP for Paisley South in Scotland, recently helped run the Labour Party election campaign alongside the chancellor Gordon Brown.
The appointment will be Mr Alexander’s first ministerial post. He has previously been concerned with electoral reform and served as a member of the Scottish Affairs Select Committee.

The job description of the e-Minister is to provide “political leadership across Government in driving forward the Government's objectives on e-commerce.” There is also a Minister for e-Government, who has “particular responsibility within that wider framework for delivery of e-Government objectives.” In addition, there is an e-Envoy, whose role was recently described as “galvanising business in the UK to face up to the challenges of e-commerce, to provide strategic input into the development of e-Government, to promote the UK's e-commerce strategy abroad and to ensure that the benefits of e-commerce are spread throughout society.”

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