Out-Law News

New insurance fraud taskforce to make recommendations before end of 2015

A new insurance fraud taskforce will make recommendations to the UK government about how to reduce the level of insurance fraud and cut the cost of premiums to "honest consumers" before the end of this year.

The taskforce, which comprises representatives from The Association of British Insurers, British Insurers’ Brokers Association, Insurance Fraud Bureau, Financial Services Consumer Panel, Citizens Advice and Financial Ombudsman Service, could recommend changes to the law, regulatory regime or industry-led solutions, according to the terms of reference (1-page / 212KB PDF) agreed by the group which is being chaired by David Hertzell, law commissioner at the Law Commission.

The new taskforce met for the first time last month and is expected to produce an "interim scoping report" in March.

According to the minutes (2-page / 441KB PDF) from that meeting, the taskforce agreed that further discussion would take place in subsequent meetings on the subjects of "categorising fraud; identifying gaps in current industry work; claims farming; use of data; power of courts and deterrents; [and] policyholder behaviour". 

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