EMI Recorded Music has agreed to grant non-exclusive music rights to on-line digital music subscription company FullAudio Corp. This follows earlier successful licence agreement negotiations with EMI Music Publishing and BMG Music Publishing, which have enabled FullAudio to broaden its distribution services.

In a press release announcing the latest deal on the FullAudio.com web site, the company maintains that

“[it] is the first company to secure both sound recording and composition rights for its subscription service… [and] the only music subscription service provider to remain independent of the major media companies.”

The CEO of FullAudio, Chris Copeland said:

“FullAudio’s service is providing the technology infrastructure and business systems that offers the record labels and music publishers the on-line music solution that their consumers have been waiting for… Having already secured major publishing licenses, FullAudio has a very strategic advantage over competitive offerings in the market, allowing us to launch our music subscription service quickly.”

The most recent deal is also set to be advantageous for EMI, since it will improve the distribution of music to the general public without comprising the recording rights in the music.

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