Out-Law News 1 min. read

One in five UK consumers buy spam-advertised software

One in five British consumers have purchased software through spam, according to research carried out on behalf of the Business Software Alliance, which warns that purchasers of such software are putting themselves at risk of installing spyware onto their computers.

The six country, 6,000 respondent survey carried out by analysts Forrester Research also reveals that more than 90% of UK on-line consumers receive spam; that 37% of people are worried that spammers will steal personal information, and 40% of people feel that spam is harmful to on-line security.

Twenty-two percent of UK consumers have purchased computer software through spam, according to the BSA - only just short of the top spam seller, clothes and jewellery, which 23% of UK respondents to the survey admitted to purchasing.

UK leisure and travel related spam purchases followed close behind at 20%, while 18% of consumers had made purchases from finance-related spam.

Worldwide, said the BSA, computer software topped the list of purchases made from spam (27%), this time followed by clothes and jewellery at 24%.

"Many on-line consumers don't consider the true motives of spammers," warned BSA spokesman Mike Newton. "In addition to profiting from selling goods and services and driving click through ad traffic, organised crime rings use spam to gain access to personal information."

Spammers are targeting consumers by selling what appears to genuine software, but may secretly contain spyware, Newton explained. Once installed on the PC or network, the spyware can allow information given over the internet to be obtained and abused.

"Both industry and the media have helped to raise awareness of the issues that surround illegitimate e-mail, helping to reduce the potential financial damage and nuisance from phishing attacks and spoof web sites," said William Plante, senior director of corporate security and fraud protection for security firm Symantec.

"At the same time, consumers need to continue exercising caution and protect themselves from harm with a mixture of spam filters, spyware detection software and sound judgement," he added.

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