Out-Law / Your Daily Need-To-Know

Mobile phone network Orange has sacked up to 40 workers after an internal investigation reportedly revealed they were downloading and distributing pornography from internet sites.

A spokesman for the company said:

“Members of staff have been dismissed for the distribution of inappropriate material… Our terms and conditions clearly state that the distribution of messages or attachments that are offensive, harassing, obscene, racist, sexist, threatening or libellous is strictly prohibited.”

The spokesman added that all of the company’s 7,000 employees were aware of the company’s regulations regarding offensive material.

The dismissal follows a similar case in the US in February when 23 employees of the New York Times were sacked for the distribution of pornography at work.

It is important for any business to ensure that employees have a clear and consistent e-mail and internet policy. This can provide that serious breaches may result in instant dismissal, but before implementing any such step, a fair disciplinary procedure should be followed. If your business does not have an internet and e-mail policy, you can learn more about them in our guide and download a policy for your use. To learn more about the laws concerning certain offensive material on the internet.

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