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"Patent box" encourages GSK to invest £200 million in UK manufacturing

SNIPPET: GlaxoSmithKline has announced that the widely publicised 'patent box' tax scheme in the UK has encouraged it to invest a further £200 million in advanced manufacturing in Britain. 

This comes after GSK lobbied the UK Government for the tax scheme which reduces the rate of corporation tax due on incomes derived from patents. The desired effect of this scheme was to encourage investment in research and development and innovation, an objective which GSK claims has been successful.

Roger Connor, GSK’s President of Global Manufacturing and Supply, said: “The establishment of the patent box has transformed how we see the UK as a place to invest. As a result, last year we announced we were building our first new factory in the UK for 40 years. The investments announced today are in addition to that and will allow us to harness new technologies that have the potential to deliver a step-change in how we make medicines."

More from Out-Law.com

Out-Law's guide to the patent box regime

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