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Pickles: economic recovery creating "record" investment in English enterprise zones

Developers have committed more than £230 million to the construction of new offices and industrial premises in designated 'enterprise zones' across England, with around 750,000 square feet of new space expected to be ready before the summer.

Speaking in Bristol, the communities secretary Eric Pickles said that the planned projects showed the importance of enterprise zones to regional economic recovery. He said that in many cases developers were so confident that they would let the new buildings that construction began before any tenants were lined up.

"Enterprise zones are central to the government's plans to rebalance the economy, offering world-class infrastructure and top-class growth incentives for companies across a range of key sectors including aviation, manufacturing and life sciences," he said.

"Enterprise zones are a great place to do business – that's why these developers are channelling millions of pounds into these investments. It proves that our long-term economic plan is on track, helping deliver the kind of world-class infrastructure that attracts top companies. And that's great news for the economy and communities because it's these kinds of businesses that will create jobs for hard-working people," he said.

Pickles was speaking at the official opening of 2 Glass Wharf, a new £40 million office building in the Bristol Temple Quarter Enterprise Zone. The building was originally constructed as a speculative development, but one third of the space has now been allocated to tenants including global accountancy business Pricewaterhouse Coopers. The 100,000 square feet space was the first development of its kind in Bristol in four years, and developers Salmon Harvester are now starting work on a further development at 3 Glass Wharf, Pickles said.

The government has established 24 enterprise zones across England since the 2011 Budget, the first of which opened in April 2012. They have since attracted more than 430 new businesses and generated over £2 billion worth of private investment, according to government figures. Enterprise zones feature tax, planning and other benefits, often geared towards specific industries, that other areas do not; and local authorities are able to retain 100% of the business rates generated within their own zones.

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