Software company Bleem revealed new emulation software at the Electronics Entertainment Expo (E3) in Los Angeles last week that allows the Sega Dreamcast to run Sony PlayStation games. E3 is said to be the Western gaming world’s most important showcase.

Bleem claims that, using its software, the Dreamcast will play games written for the original PlayStation with higher resolution and smoother graphics than on Sony’s machine.

Sony tried unsuccessfully to stop Bleem exhibiting and is involved in an on-going court battle with the software company over the distribution of a product launched by Bleem in May 1999 which enables a PC to run PlayStation games.

In promoting the Dreamcast software, Bleem used screen shots comparing the software to the PlayStation. Sony tried to get a court order against this advertising, arguing that screen shots would hurt Sony’s sales. However, the judge in the case is reported to have said that if Sony’s sales slip, it is because the Bleem technology is superior.

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