A couple in Quebec have been fined for operating an English-language only web site. This violates a Quebec language law which states that advertising must be published in both English and French. The law allows retailers to display words in English, but there must also be a visible French translation. The law, designed to protect the French language, applies to all mediums of advertising.
Muriel and Stanley Reid follow ten other people in the province to be fined under the French Language Charter. However, The Reids' lawyer, Brent Tyler, says that the Quebec law was written before the world got ‘wired’, and therefore does not make any mention of the internet.
The lawyer also maintains that the law should not apply to them as they are only selling to English speaking customers outside Quebec.
Fewer businesses will be subject to EU laws prescribing tighter scrutiny of supply chains than was originally envisaged after late amendments to the proposed new Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) were endorsed by law makers.
A new ruling shows how construction contractors facing claims for defective building works in England or Wales might seek a ‘building liability order’ (BLO) against other defendants to reduce their financial exposure, an expert in building safety and construction dispute resolution has said.
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