US fashion company Ralph Lauren has withdrawn its threat of legal action against the owner of Woldingham Saddlery and Harness Center in Surrey who owns the domain name and uses it to attract traffic for his saddlery web site.

Lawyers for Ralph Lauren recently threatened Collingridge with action for “infringement, false advertising and dilution of our client’s valuable Polo Trademarks.”

Keith Collingridge, the owner of the saddlery centre and the domain name, said he has since received a letter from Ralph Lauren’s lawyers which explained that after reviewing his site, they had decided against further action “at this time”.

Visitors to now see the following message:

“This is an Equestrian web site. If you have arrived here by mistake, you may have been looking for one of the sites below which also use the word POLO in their products and/or web site name. (We are not related to the following organisations in any way)”

The site links to the sites of Ralph Lauren, Volkswagen (Polo cars) and Nestle (Polo Mints).

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