The SCO Group last week listed those parts of the Linux source code that it believes have been infringed by IBM, meeting a deadline imposed in the bitter court battle between the two firms over the Linux operating system.

According to CNet, SCO filed a five-page document with the Utah District Court on Friday, setting out 217 areas of alleged code violations. However, the document has been filed under seal, which means that it remains confidential to the parties and the court.

SCO is suing IBM for $5 billion, accusing it of infringing its rights in the UNIX operating system by leaking UNIX code in breach of a contract. SCO says that Linux contains its UNIX code and consequently is an unauthorised derivative of UNIX.

But apart from revealing a few snippets of suspect code in 2003, SCO has until now failed to tell IBM which parts of Linux actually infringe on UNIX.

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