Out-Law News 1 min. read

Sheffield City Region agrees to elected mayor with strategic planning powers

The Sheffield City Region Combined Authority has agreed a deal in principle with the UK Treasury for the devolution of powers and resources from central government.

The proposed deal includes the adoption of a directly-elected city region mayor, who will chair the Combined Authority and exercise devolved powers and functions.

According to the devolution proposal (17-page / 362 KB PDF), the mayor will have "powers over strategic planning, including the responsibility to create a spatial framework for the city region". The agreement said the first mayoral elections were expected to take place in 2017.

The government has made the promotion of a 'northern powerhouse' a key part of its strategy to rebalance the UK economy. Chancellor George Osborne announced in the summer that, after reaching an agreement with the Greater Manchester Combined Authority in November, the government was working towards devolution deals with other parts of the north of England.

The proposed deal for the Sheffield city region is subject to local consultation and ratification by each of the nine individual councils forming the Combined Authority. It is also subject to the enactment of the Cities and Local Government Devolution Bill, which is due to be discussed in the House of Commons this week.

Planning expert Elizabeth Wiseman of Pinsent Masons, the law firm behind Out-Law.com, said: "This deal is an important step in the government’s northern powerhouse programme. If the deal receives the support of local councils it will give the Sheffield City Region access to £30 million a year over 30 years which will no doubt boost local growth and investment in local manufacturing and innovation. The investment will mean that the city can forge ahead with the Sheffield and Rotherham Advanced Manufacturing Innovation District which will provide huge and unrivalled benefits across the Sheffield City Region."

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