Sony announced on Friday that it had achieved cumulative worldwide shipments of 10 million units of the Playstation2 in its first year on the market. In comparison, its original PlayStation took three years to reach the same milestone.

The company said in a statement that it is looking to nearly double PlayStation 2 shipments during fiscal year 2002, beginning 1st April, 2001, with a projected worldwide target of 20 million units. Sony was recently forced to cut its 2000/01 target from ten million to nine million after problems with the supply of the graphics chip.

The shipment figures and the launch date for each territory are as follows:

  • Japan: 4.65 million units, launched 4th March 2000
  • North America: 2.76 million units, launched 26th October 2000
  • Europe: 2.63 million units, launched 24th November 2000

Nintendo and Microsoft are expected to release competing consoles later this year.

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