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A UK company which recently acquired the rights to a US patent on secure electronic data interchange (EDI) has said it intends to enforce the patent to extract licence fees from vendors of software that is commonly used in B2B exchanges.
A UK company which recently acquired the rights to a US patent on secure electronic data interchange (EDI) has said it intends to enforce the patent to extract licence fees from vendors of software that is commonly used in B2B exchanges.

EDI is a standard format for exchanging business data. A software package called Templar was designed in 1995 using encryption to protect on-line EDI transactions. In 1998, the company behind the package took out a patent in the US called “Method and system for providing secure EDI over an open network.”

Manchester-based CI Software Solutions recently acquired the rights to Templar, including the US patent. The company has announced its intention to extract fees from EDI vendors who may be unwittingly infringing the patent. Managing Director Jonathan Palmer said that by doing so, “IT managers will be able to enjoy more secure transactions knowing that their valuable data is being exchanged conforming to our secure patent.”

It is not yet known if there are any patents for the Templar software in countries other than the US.

CI Software Solutions has said that it plans to donate 25% of revenues from EDI royalties to the Comic Relief charity.

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