Out-Law / Your Daily Need-To-Know

Pitney Bowes, the US-based technology and services provider, announced this week that it is suing eight companies for infringement of a patent which enhances the resolution of laser jet printing. The same patent was the subject of a recent $400 million settlement with Hewlett-Packard. The suits were filed in a Connecticut district court.
Actions were filed against Apple Computer, Lexmark International, Matsushita Electric Corporation of America, Panasonic Personal Computers , NEC Technologies, Samsung Electronics America, Samsung Electronics Company, and Xerox for infringement of Pitney Bowes' “272” patent, which specifically covers the technology that uses various sized dots to eliminate any unevenness on the edges of type in laser jet printouts.

"We are currently engaged in discussions with these companies and seek a business resolution to these claims," said Michael E. Melton, an in-house lawyer with Pitney Bowes. "We will continue to look for ways to strategically leverage our intellectual property assets for licensing, and to form partnerships that will further enable us to deliver mission-critical, best-in-class solutions to our customers."
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