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A new feature installed by Microsoft on prototypes of its new Windows XP operating system is causing concern, according to a report in the on-line edition of the Wall Street Journal. The Internet Explorer Smart Tags is a feature that can modify web pages in a way that links a user to a web site of Microsoft’s choosing. It automatically scans the web page that an XP user browses and inserts links beneath certain types of words, for example names of companies, sports teams or colleges.

Some web site operators are worried that the feature may give Microsoft too much control over how people surf the web. There are also concerns that Microsoft could modify web sites without permission. Brooks Fisher of Inuit, the company behind Quicken.com, the personal financial information web site, told WSJ.com that he is concerned, “that some company, any company could go in and monkey around with something you publish and could hurt your customer experience or your revenue.”

Microsoft defends the smart tag feature by saying it provides users with valuable links to relevant information while browsing. It has not yet decided whether to include it in the final version of Windows XP, due for release on 25th October.

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