Ann Lalor

Ann Lalor

Partner, Head of Office, Dublin

Ann specialises in banking transactions across a range of sectors including real estate and construction, transport and logistics, leisure, retail, natural resources and energy. She advises Irish and international banks and financial institutions, mezzanine lenders, private funders, corporate borrowers and investment vehicles in bilateral and syndicated banking transactions.

Ann's experience


    • 2019
      Joined Pinsent Masons
    • 2016
      Whitney Moore - Partner
    • 2011
      Eugene F. Collins - Associate then Partner
    • 2010
      Law Society of Ireland - Diploma in Finance Law
    • 2001
      Qualified - Ireland
    • 1998
      McCann Fitzgerald - Trainee then Solicitor
    • 1997
      NUI Galway - LLB
    • 1995
      NUI Galway - BA
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    Out-Law / Insight by Ann Lalor

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