Beausang Gerry

Gerry Beausang


Gerry advises companies and financial investors across sectors on a wide range of transactions, including domestic and international M&A, fundraisings, PE deals (investees, management teams and funders), MBOs, takeovers and corporate reorganisations and restructurings.

Gerry's experience


    • 2022
      Joined Pinsent Masons
    • 2014
      ByrneWallace Dublin, Partner
    • 2008
      Eversheds Dublin, Senior Associate, Corporate/M&A
    • 2003
      Matheson, Associate, Corporate/M&A
    • 2002
      Qualified, England and Wales
    • 2000
      Herbert Smith London, Trainee
    • 1999
      Oxford Institute of Legal Practice, Diploma in Legal Practice
    • 1998
      Trinity College Dublin, LLB (Hons.)
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    Out-Law / Insight by Gerry Beausang

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