Maciver John

John Maciver

Partner, Head of Financial Services

John is a Partner and leads the firm’s banking team in Scotland and Northern Ireland. John is an experienced banking lawyer specialising in all aspects of banking and finance work, acting for lenders, borrowers and other loan market participants.

John's experience


    • 2008
      Joined Pinsent Masons
    • 2004
      DLA Piper - Partner
    • 2002
      Clifford Chance - Senior Associate
    • 2001
      McGrigor Donald - Associate
    • 1998
      Qualified - England and Wales
    • 1997
      Qualified - Scotland
    • 1997
      McGrigor Donald - Solicitor
    • 1995
      Edinburgh University - Diploma in Legal Practice
    • 1995
      McGrigor Donald - Trainee
    • 1994
      Edinburgh University - LLB (Hons) (1st class)
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    Out-Law / Insight by John Maciver

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