Ayre Laura

Laura Ayre


Laura specialises in commercial law and advises businesses on a wide range of supply chain projects, including business critical, strategic outsourcing contracts.

Laura's experience


    • 2016
      In-house secondment E.ON UK plc
    • 2009
      In-house Secondment - Ordnance Survey
    • 2008
      In-house Secondment - First Publishing
    • 2007
      In-house Secondment - Nanjing Automotive
    • 2007
      Jurisdiction qualified - England and Wales
    • 2006
      In-house Secondment - Smith and Nephew
    • 2005
    • 2004
      Legal Practice Course (Disinction) - Nottingham Law School
    • 2003
      BA Law with Spanish - Sheffield University
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    Out-Law / Insight by Laura Ayre

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