Olivier Bustin

Olivier Bustin


Alongside a strong network of local partners, Olivier advises international corporate clients, primarily in the energy and natural resources sector in Francophone Africa. His practice focuses on negotiation of oil & gas or mining contracts, public-private partnerships, and also on structuring and implementing infrastructure projects, which includes advising on complex regulatory issues (e.g., foreign exchange, local content, environment, AML).

Olivier's experience


    • 2021
      Joined Pinsent Masons
    • 2019
      Admitted to bar - Democratic Republic of Congo
    • 2019
      Chambers Global - General Business Law (Expertise Based Abroad) - Congo-Brazzaville (Since 2019)
    • 2018
      Chambers Global - General Business Law (Expertise Based Abroad) - Democratic Republic of Congo (Since 2018)
    • 2017
      Editorial board member and regular contributor – L’Essentiel Droits africains des affaires
    • 2017
      Admitted to bar - Portugal
    • 2016
      Lecturer of OHADA law (Post-graduate) - University of Paris 2 and University Sorbonne Paris Nord
    • 2015
      Vieira de Almeida & Associados
    • 2013
      Miranda Correia Amendoeira & Associados
    • 2010
      Ph.D. - University of Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas
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    Out-Law / Insight by Olivier Bustin

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