How agile working is the right move for us - and the environment

The coronavirus pandemic of 2020 certainly changed how and where we work. Fortunately, we had flexible working solutions in place already. Not only because it gives our people more freedom, but because it reduces the amount of office space, lighting, heating and power needed. Going agile in our Birmingham office, for example, cut how much office space was required by 14%.

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Let's make a positive difference together

Nobody can make a difference alone. That's why we hope you and our other clients share our green philosophy and join us so we can grow together, while cutting our impact on environment

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Stepping up to bring our environmental impact down

Stepping up to bring our environmental impact down

This page provides additional information as to how we are working to achieve our climate and sustainability targets

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Committed to tackling climate change

Committed to tackling climate change

We push the boundaries every day with our legal advice and business transformation services - and we're doing the same with our environmental initiatives and commitments too.

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