Working as a flexible consultant with Vario can give you many things in your legal career. It can give you more autonomy over the hours you work, it can give you the opportunity to develop your expertise in a particular area of law, and it can give you exposure to new ones. For Krystle, it was the latter of these that appealed to her in particular.


Krystle went through a more traditional route to get into the legal industry, studying law, becoming a trainee and then becoming a practicing lawyer. After just four and a half years of private practice, she made the decision to move towards in-house legal roles. Consultancy was something that quickly appealed to Krystle largely because of the variety of work on offer.

Krystle Primalani

Vario Consultant

I wanted to gain exposure to various types of in-house roles in order for me to be able to determine which areas I was interested in. I've always wanted to avoid sticking to one area of law for my whole career and then potentially regret it later on.

One thing we were keen to ask Krystle was what it was about Vario in particular, that drew her towards becoming a part of our Flexible Services hub.  As well as providing her with the range of opportunities she craved, she also cited the support and assistance provided by our Flexible Services team in Singapore as a key factor in helping her make her decision.

Krystle Primalani

Vario Consultant

Vario provided good exposure to different kinds of roles and were extremely helpful in preparing for interviews and also providing support.

Currently, Krystle is working on assignment as a member of the commercial law team with an independent body within the financial sector. Not only has this given her the access to various areas of law (as she craved), but it has also given her the opportunity to work on international work across different jurisdictions.

Krystle Primalani

Vario Consultant

My experience with Vario has been great so far. Support is provided where necessary and the staff are extremely friendly.

As mentioned above, there are many benefits of being an in-house consultant lawyer, one of which being the increased autonomy compared to traditional private practice. This is also something that Krystle cited as a benefit of working with Vario, in that it gave her the opportunity to choose how to balance working hard with taking time off.


She’s learnt that sometimes it makes sense to look after herself a bit more after tougher assignments where there is more for her to handle. In many ways, learning to strike this balance has allowed her to continue to pursue the intellectual challenges of practicing law, without losing her passion for it.

Krystle Primalani

Vario Consultant

I have heard of many lawyers getting burnt out from being overwhelmed then eventually leaving the industry and I wouldn't want to do that because I'm passionate about law.

If you’re interested in reading hearing more stories like Krystle’s, we regularly post experiences like this on our blog. We also like to share own our experiences from members of our Flexible Services team: if you’re interested in hearing more about them, you can find our latest focus piece on Rahimah (Ima) Salleh here.


To become a member of our legal consultant hub, you can apply now and take the next step in your legal career.

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