With the sudden rise in AI related technologies, there has been an acknowledgement of the increasing need to consider this alongside the inclusion agenda and the potential positive and negative impacts this technology may have.

With the sudden rise in AI related technologies, there has been an acknowledgement of the increasing need to consider this alongside the inclusion agenda and the potential positive and negative impacts this technology may have. Many are struggling to know where to begin, so join us to start the conversation and ensure inclusion is a key consideration when developing or adopting AI technologies.

Miriam Mukasa, a Consultant at Executive Global Coaching, specialising in Inclusive Leadership and AI will join us to discuss the importance of inclusive AI to ensure progress made to date to reduce bias is not eroded, key considerations to be made and pitfalls to avoid.

The event will conclude with a Q&A session.


Event date

09:30 - 10:30 BST

Pinsent Masons Video


Miriam Mukasa

Consultant at Executive Global Coaching

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